Latina State of Mind
Join our lively Latina trio as they dive into thought-provoking and relatable conversations on this episode of Latina State of Mind. From tackling tough and honest topics to just simply hanging out and having fun, you won't want to miss a minute of this episode. Listen in as they bring in special guests and professionals to provide guidance and insights, making this podcast a must-listen for anyone looking to broaden their perspectives and expand their knowledge. Tune in now for a fresh and exciting take on life, culture, and everything in between. Get ready to be inspired and entertained with Latina State of Mind.
Latina State of Mind
Episode : Fun Episode Part 2!
Ever wondered what it would be like to have a skin that changes color based on your emotions or tattoos appearing all over your body? Or how about choosing between hunting and butchering your own meat and never eating meat again? We've got you covered in this episode of Latina's State of Mind, where we venture into the world of wild 'Would You Rather' questions to spark thought-provoking discussions and debates.
We kick things off by contemplating whether we'd rather have telekinesis or telepathy, see 10 minutes or 150 years into the future, find true love today or hit the jackpot next year. We tussle with the choices of being chronically underdressed or overdressed, being in jail for five years or being in a coma for a decade. The rollercoaster of dilemmas continues as we reflect on whether we'd prefer universal respect or unlimited power, and whether losing our sight or memories would be worse.
So buckle up and get ready for a fun, enlightening, and sometimes squirm-worthy journey of choices and debates!
This is Latina's State of Mind, a podcast created by Latinas for all audiences, where we can share our experiences about love life and everything in between.
Speaker 2:Hello, hello and welcome to Latina's State of Mind. How are we doing today? Doing?
Speaker 1:great, we're doing good.
Speaker 2:We have a super fun episode.
Speaker 3:What was the last time? Not so fun bonus, not bonus.
Speaker 2:So it's part two of that.
Speaker 1:Part two.
Speaker 2:Part two. We're going to be answering some would you rather, questions.
Speaker 3:Yes, I have the questioner pulled up right now.
Speaker 2:Let me know whenever you guys are ready, we're ready, let's go.
Speaker 3:First one. Would you rather have the ability to see 10 minutes into the future, or 150 years into the future?
Speaker 2:10 minutes, just to see what's up. Yeah, maybe 10 minutes.
Speaker 3:I would go 150. How come? Let's see what happens, let's see how the world has changed.
Speaker 1:I want to see if there's no longer anything you know it's too much responsibility, because then I would want to change things. Is that so bad? But what if you change something and mess everything up? I'm okay with that.
Speaker 2:Alright next question.
Speaker 3:So deep? Would you rather have telekinesis, the ability to move things with your mind, or telepathy, the ability to read minds?
Speaker 1:I want to know everything. Thank you for letting us know.
Speaker 3:I would like to move things because I don't really care what people think.
Speaker 1:I just want to know people's cheesemis.
Speaker 3:I want to be able to throw a person out, bye.
Speaker 2:Love that with her little finger.
Speaker 3:Matilda vibes. This is exactly what I thought of Wait did you answer.
Speaker 2:I said minds.
Speaker 1:She said cheesemils are like me.
Speaker 2:I want to know what people think of me. Nothing else Okay.
Speaker 3:Let's see. Would you rather be forced to sing along or dance to every single song you hear? I?
Speaker 2:know your answer.
Speaker 3:Dance, sing along. I think I would. I think I would sing, I would make it like a talent thing.
Speaker 2:Karaoke. I would rather dance. I can't sing.
Speaker 3:I don't have to tell you she can.
Speaker 2:I can't, I do it, but I can't. I can't dance either. She's sticking to the ones.
Speaker 3:I enjoy it more.
Speaker 2:Would you rather find true love today or win the?
Speaker 3:lottery next year. Win the lottery next year. Win the lottery next year Sure.
Speaker 1:I already have true love. Can I win the lottery?
Speaker 2:Yes, Sure, that's salty, I know.
Speaker 3:Would you rather be in jail for five years or be in a coma for a decade? Oh my gosh.
Speaker 1:I'll be in jail.
Speaker 3:But in a coma you wouldn't be aware. Ten years is a lot.
Speaker 1:But you wouldn't be aware of it.
Speaker 3:Well, no, actually there is some type of awareness to it there can be.
Speaker 1:I've been in sleep paralysis for ten years and I just can't even imagine. I don't want to be in jail, so I think I would be in a coma. I would be somebody in jail, but it's okay.
Speaker 3:You have to assert dominance as soon as you get that. I can't. She would definitely be someone's beward.
Speaker 2:No, not no.
Speaker 3:Yes, ma'am.
Speaker 1:I think I would be in jail. You do good in jail, you think so, yeah, I'm a little bossy, true, I forget being up a couple of times. You'll fake it till you make it, yeah.
Speaker 3:Would you rather have another ten years with your partner or a one night stand with your celebrity crush? That's me. I'm not a celebrity. I'm not a celebrity. I'm not a celebrity.
Speaker 1:I'm a celebrity. I'm not a celebrity. I'm not a celebrity. That's me.
Speaker 3:Ten years with my partner, all right.
Speaker 2:Who's my?
Speaker 3:Oh, one night stand. Who is it? I can't decide. Oh, is it Lee.
Speaker 1:My options are Leonardo DiCaprio.
Speaker 3:He wouldn't even take me. Dude Matthew Perry, younger Matthew Perry. And then, who's the guy from Pride? And Prejudice, mr Darcy? What's the Tom Hardy? Yeah, okay, anyways.
Speaker 1:Nancy your turn. This is my list.
Speaker 3:When I stand at ten years with your partner. Come on, I'm going to pass it though, no.
Speaker 2:One night stand? That's a great question. I think I would do Charlize Theron Really.
Speaker 3:Okay that's a good one. Yeah, she looks very fun, she's. Like personality wise Beautiful.
Speaker 2:And beautiful, yeah, and smart and talented. I wasn't thinking about her looks, just her. Oh, I was just kidding. I was like what?
Speaker 1:How can you not think about her looks? I went both ways.
Speaker 3:I never, looked at you like that. Yeah, it's like what. Next question Would you rather be chronically underdressed or overdressed?
Speaker 2:Overdressed, overdressed.
Speaker 3:I feel like this happens to me too many times.
Speaker 2:I think I'm underdressed a lot and I wish I wasn't.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I want to be better. Yeah, me too.
Speaker 3:Work on it Okay.
Speaker 1:Thanks Okay, ma'am.
Speaker 3:Let's see what's the next one is fun. Would you rather have everyone you know be able to read your thoughts or no? For everyone you know to have access to your internet history?
Speaker 2:Yeah internet history.
Speaker 1:Internet history Uh-oh, uh-oh.
Speaker 3:I'll let them have my internet history, yeah.
Speaker 1:I think that's a little stupid. Those are murky thoughts Very.
Speaker 3:Would you rather lose your sight or your memories? Sight, sight.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I don't want to lose my memory, yeah exactly, yeah, sight.
Speaker 3:Would you rather have universal respect or unlimited power? Do you get power with respect? Not necessarily. Not necessarily, you're right. It doesn't mean that it's, I'll take the power.
Speaker 2:I'll take the respect Really Okay.
Speaker 1:I think I'm going to go with power yeah.
Speaker 3:I like that for you. Yeah, yeah, let's see. Would you rather give up air conditioning and heating for the rest of your life or give up the internet?
Speaker 1:for the rest of your life the internet.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I guess I'll give it up.
Speaker 2:I mean if I'm in Colorado. You need to be yeah, yeah, so that they don't this one's weird.
Speaker 3:Would you rather swim in a pool of Mattela or a pool full of maple syrup Nutella?
Speaker 1:Nutella, yeah, nutella oh man it's not very much. Some of your kind of just like stuck there.
Speaker 3:Do you just just sitting there, yeah, eating the Nutella?
Speaker 2:Looking yourself, whoa girl.
Speaker 3:I mean, maybe I do. Hey, farron, tell her that. Um, let's see, let's see, I'm skipping some of these because some of them are like not so cool. Um, would you rather never be able to go out during the day or never be able to go out at night? Uh, a night, a night, I'd say day never be able to go out during the day, I'd rather go out at night the night person.
Speaker 1:Jerome's answer, for sure.
Speaker 3:I like it. Would you rather have a personal maid or a personal chef? Personal chef 100% 100% we were talking about cooking earlier. Yeah, I have to have a chef.
Speaker 1:You have to have a chef.
Speaker 2:I can't afford it.
Speaker 3:I can't afford it, but I would.
Speaker 2:I like it.
Speaker 3:There's other ways to get a chef. You do. Oh yeah, that's true. Um PSA, yeah, public service announcement. If anyone is interested, I am looking for a chef companion. You don't have to be professional, just know how to cook because, and like to cook yeah. Would you rather be 11 feet tall or 9 inches tall? 11 feet tall or 9?
Speaker 2:inches tall.
Speaker 3:I heard you. I couldn't believe it what's 9 inches? So this is 6.
Speaker 1:Um below this.
Speaker 3:That's really tiny that is really tiny.
Speaker 1:I'll be. I'll go with 9 inches, yeah same.
Speaker 3:Yeah, no, that's too small you'd be taking care of, like someone's gonna carry you in their purse.
Speaker 2:I don't want anyone to carry me, I know, thank you.
Speaker 1:I can live in a little doll house. Yeah, I'm so cute.
Speaker 3:Actually I can't. I don't know how tall Barbies are, but I think it's about that height, so it would be perfect.
Speaker 1:Yeah, exactly, I can have the body cork back.
Speaker 3:Yes, Um, would you rather have Beyonce's talent or Jay-Z's business acumen?
Speaker 1:Ah, beyonce's talent Beyonce, yeah, duh.
Speaker 3:That's a good question. Uh, would you rather be an extra in an Oscar winning movie or the lead in a box office bomb? Oscar winning movie, an extra.
Speaker 1:I'm okay with that. I want to be the lead to my own movie. But even if it bombs, yeah, okay, I want to be the main character. Neither, I don't want to act at all.
Speaker 3:I'd be an extra. Yeah, I guess I'd be an extra. I don't like, because I mean you could brag be like. Oh yeah, I was an extra.
Speaker 2:You see me in those 30 seconds that I was there. It'd probably be like 2 seconds.
Speaker 1:Would you rather be a girl holding the coffee? Yeah?
Speaker 3:That's a girl in the background. That's blurred.
Speaker 2:Exactly.
Speaker 3:Would you rather bomb it on your hero or have your hero bomb it on you? I'd rather bomb it on someone. Yeah, this is the scenario. I'd rather.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know I might as well. Probably means that I wouldn't remember, so yeah, who's your hero?
Speaker 3:I don't know me either.
Speaker 1:I was wondering so I could copy you You're gonna be like I have to save you, that's so. What a coincidence.
Speaker 3:Would you rather be royalty a thousand years ago or an average person today? An average person today Royalty I am an average person now.
Speaker 1:I don't want to smell like they smelled.
Speaker 3:It doesn't necessarily like your hygiene was dependent on you.
Speaker 2:And if you were royalty?
Speaker 1:They still stunk, they stank. They didn't stunk because they had to wear all the stuff and they didn't shower every day, like hygiene was not a thing.
Speaker 3:No, I believe they thought that if you showered, you were like getting rid of, like you, basically something like that yeah so that's so.
Speaker 1:Imagine wearing those dresses and and stinking.
Speaker 3:This is a cool one. Would you rather lounge by the pool or on beach? Beach, beach. I want my occupation to be beach.
Speaker 1:Okay, ken Dang it. I need to go watch it.
Speaker 3:Gosh darn it we'll go watch it. Okay, would you rather wear the same socks for? A month, or the same underwear for a week, socks Ooh, I guess I'll pick socks because that smells too. Would you rather work an overtime shift with your annoying boss or spend full day with your mother-in-law? A full day with my mother-in-law. If I had a mother-in-law, I think I would pick that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I've had good mother-in-laws, so I choose that.
Speaker 3:Yeah, would you rather cuddle a koala or pal around with a panda?
Speaker 1:pal, pal around, pal around. Like be friendly with the panda, I guess so so, panda, what was the first one?
Speaker 3:koala?
Speaker 1:cuddle with a koala yes, cuddle with a koala.
Speaker 3:Aww, this one's hard, because I love them bold yeah, they look cute, but I think panda would be more fun yeah, panda, sir, but koala's very okay, I'll pick a koala, yeah would you rather always have bad odor or not and not know it, or always smell bad odor on everyone else smell it on everyone else yeah, that's embarrassing. I'll always smell it on. Wow, it's so nice, I don't even think about it. Um, would you rather watch nothing but hallmark christmas movies or nothing but horror movies?
Speaker 3:hallmark, I love horror movies really yeah yeah, I'm too paranoid and no, I don't like being jump-scared and stuff like that.
Speaker 2:I love horror movies. I get scared now, but when I was younger, one of my sisters and I would sneak in because we were not old enough to watch them and I would watch them all the time, nice horror love.
Speaker 3:Okay, weirdos, would you rather always be 10 minutes late or always 20 minutes early?
Speaker 2:I wish I was 20 minutes early, but I'm always late.
Speaker 3:I'm always late, we're always late. Yeah, would you rather spend a week in the forest or a night in a real haunted house forest? I'm actually kind of intrigued by the real haunted house this time yeah, real haunted house. I want to spook around with everyone else. I'd be the kind of person to be like don't believe it, and then bam yeah would you rather find a rat in your kitchen or a roach in your bed? Or a roach where in your bed? Uh no, I can't.
Speaker 3:I can't you, I know I think I'll go for the rat but I can never uh rat. I can't even say that word? Which one are you trying to say? The R word or the C word?
Speaker 2:I can't say the R word. I can't imagine I would never be able to go in the kitchen again. No, she would burn her house down no too.
Speaker 3:Would you rather have a pause or a rewind button in your life? We did this one last time, did we really? Yeah, what did you answer last time?
Speaker 2:rewind, I think yeah, I didn't hear the question. No, we're still thinking about the R word, would you?
Speaker 3:rather have a pause or a rewind button in your life.
Speaker 2:I think I said pause. Yeah, I think we said pause, I'm what I'm calling I can't remember what I said, but now I pick rewind you've evolved. You're a different person.
Speaker 3:You're a different person from 20 minutes ago would you oh, this one's easy, I think would you rather always have a full phone battery or a full gas tank. Gas tank, gas tank. That's what I was thinking as well putting gas in my car.
Speaker 1:Is it the smell? No, it's just getting out of my car it's so expensive it's so expensive.
Speaker 3:I hate that. There's people around and there was like looking like what, what do you want?
Speaker 2:don't look at me what kind of gas stations are you going to see?
Speaker 3:just the regular one go at night. I go at night and there's no one there oh well, that's scary because there could be homeless people it's happened to me before only because it's happened to me before where there was like a homeless person just walking around and I was like, mmm, you just need to get gas. I know would you rather lose all your teeth or lose a day of your life every time you kiss someone?
Speaker 1:oh, that's terrible.
Speaker 3:I know, I know my teeth. They're stentuous. I would lose a day. Because it's worth it.
Speaker 1:I hope it's worth it you can't really kiss anyone though you would just lose a day of your life every time you kiss somebody, that'd be so many days me okay, let's go with dentures can you almost when I want to kiss you after that?
Speaker 3:yeah, they would this one's really gross too. Would you rather drink from toilet or pee in a litter box? Wait? What would you rather drink from a toilet or pee in a litter box? Pee in a litter box that's really weird, but I would do that too. Would you rather be forced to live the same day over and over again for a full year, or take three years off at the end of your life? For a full year, you've been living the same day over and over.
Speaker 3:I guess, if I could choose today, or, if you were aware, I would consider it, you know? Because, like, if you don't know what's happening, then you're just living it, yeah, but if you know, but if you know, then that'd be very traumatizing. It's like you're not moving forward.
Speaker 1:I will live the same day for a whole year.
Speaker 3:I'll take the three years off. Fuck it up. Did you answer anything?
Speaker 2:I think live the same day for a year. If I could choose today, and the awareness okay um.
Speaker 3:I'm sorry, I'm skipping some of these questions. Okay, would you rather get a paper cut every time you turn a page or bite your tongue every time you eat? Ouch for both of them, those are terrible. I guess I'm not reading anywhere. Yeah, yeah, I think that I would choose paper cut. Yeah, me too, because with a tongue bite you can't eat spicy foods, at least not for a while.
Speaker 1:Paper cuts hurt so bad. Yeah, yeah, I guess Paper cut.
Speaker 3:Would you rather oversleep every day for a week or not get any sleep at all for four days? Oversleep, yeah, oversleep.
Speaker 1:Yeah, 100.
Speaker 3:Would you rather die in 20 years with no regrets or live to 100 with a lot of regrets? 20 with no regrets? Die in 20 years with no regrets, yeah. Yeah me too, that'd be more fun.
Speaker 1:No rock regrets, Rock regrets.
Speaker 3:Would you rather sip gin with Ryan Reynolds or shoot tequila with Dwayne the Rock Johnson?
Speaker 1:Oh.
Speaker 3:Ryan.
Speaker 1:OK, so the only reason why I this one's hard, I'm going to say the Rock, but just because my best friend, nora, that's her favorite person on the planet and that just means that maybe I can bring her with me.
Speaker 3:OK, I like Ryan and I like gin, so there we go.
Speaker 2:Yeah, quite nice that's really fun.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he seems funny.
Speaker 3:Would you rather get trapped in the middle of a food fight or a water balloon fight? Water balloon fight, water balloon fight. That sounds fun. Well, more fun than the other. Would you rather walk to work in heels or drive to work in reverse? Drive in reverse, drive in reverse. I don't want to walk in heels. Walking in heels is hard. Would you rather spend a year at war or a year in prison? Prison, prison, prison's rough though I've never been, but I've been told yeah, not personal experience. Would you rather die before or after your partner? Before, before, after After.
Speaker 1:After After.
Speaker 3:Would you rather have a child every year for 20 years or never have children at all?
Speaker 1:20 years, every year, let's go.
Speaker 3:She's ready. No children, no kids at all.
Speaker 2:Yeah, 20 is too much.
Speaker 3:Would you rather take amazing selfies but look terrible in all other photos, or be photogenic everywhere, but in your selfies Photogenic everywhere.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:Let's see. Would you rather be gassy on your first date or your wedding night? First date, I would say wedding night. At least my partner knows me by then, that's true.
Speaker 2:That is a good point. That is a good point.
Speaker 3:Let's see. Would you rather Danny Trejo or Danny Trejo play you in a movie? Danny Trejo, I think the Beatles, he's a little more funky, I think. Would you rather be able to take back anything you say or hear any conversation that is about?
Speaker 1:you Hear any conversation?
Speaker 3:Same yeah, I think so, too, I want to hear what people think about me. Would you rather have skin that changes color based on your emotions, or tattoos appear all over your body depicting what you did yesterday?
Speaker 1:Oh, no, oh.
Speaker 2:I don't always make good decisions.
Speaker 1:I'm changing my color. Yeah, I'm changing colors. Skin Like a mood ring yeah, mood skin, mood skin. Mood skin yeah, mood skin. Yes, yes.
Speaker 3:Would you rather hunt and butcher your own meat or never eat meat again?
Speaker 1:Never eat meat again. Yeah, I think so. I would hunt, you would hunt, I'd see. Can't see yourself without meat.
Speaker 3:But I only pick, never eat meat, because butchering is very difficult, like hunting might be the easy part. You think you could do it?
Speaker 2:Yellow jackets.
Speaker 3:No, but I've heard about it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, there's a girl who learns how to do that. She's like a high schooler.
Speaker 3:Do you want to learn? My dad will teach you.
Speaker 2:Not right now. What if I had to?
Speaker 1:I already feel really guilty eating animals, so I'd be OK without them.
Speaker 3:OK, I don't. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha. Would you rather lose all of your friends but keep your BFF, or lose your BFF but keep the rest of your buds? None, none of the buds I know Same. Yeah, that's tough. We're going to skip that one. None of us are going to answer that one. Vuh, let's see. Would you rather have people spread a terrible lie about you or have people spread terrible but true tales about you?
Speaker 2:I mean if they're true.
Speaker 3:Yeah, exactly, if they're true, I'm OK with that tale. Even if they're terrible, I like it.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 3:Would you rather walk? Oh, would you rather walk in on your parents or have them walk in on you? Oh, no, I feel like I would. That's why I paused, because.
Speaker 1:I would rather have them walk in on me. I would rather walk in on them, yeah.
Speaker 3:I would rather walk in on them Really yeah, because I feel like my parents would be like OK, emily, she's having fun, I don't know. But, I'd like to think that way. If this is the scenario, no, no. Would you rather be the absolute best at something that no one takes seriously, or be average at something well respected?
Speaker 1:The best at something? Yeah, the best.
Speaker 3:Yeah, even if no one takes it seriously, fuck other people. Would you rather have a limited battery life on all of your devices or have free Wi-Fi wherever you go? Free Wi-Fi Pretty wefy. This one's funny. Would you rather have a third nipple or an extra toe? A third nipple.
Speaker 2:Extra toe.
Speaker 3:I can't decide, I'll go with a third nipple. I feel, like meh meh meh. Would you rather solve world hunger or global warming? Global warming, warming as well for me.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think that could help with the hunger issues.
Speaker 3:Right.
Speaker 2:The droughts and stuff.
Speaker 3:Would you rather have to wear every shirt inside out or every pair of pants backward? Wait what Would you rather have to wear every shirt inside out or every pair of pants backward?
Speaker 1:Every shirt inside out, yeah, pants.
Speaker 2:Backwards.
Speaker 3:I've done the shirt thing once.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think we've rolled on the shirt, ok, ok.
Speaker 3:Now I feel better about myself. This was years ago, though. That's OK.
Speaker 2:Not yesterday.
Speaker 3:No, not yesterday.
Speaker 1:She wore her clothes right yesterday.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yesterday was a good day. Would you rather live in a tree house or in a cave? Tree house, tree house, tree house. Would you rather win $25,000 or your best friend win $100,000?
Speaker 1:My best friend win $100,000, so then we can share. You think they would share with you? Yeah, OK.
Speaker 3:Would you rather?
Speaker 1:be. You didn't answer.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, my bad, because I choose myself. Yeah, I'm not surprised. Would you rather be in history books for something terrible or be forgotten completely after you die?
Speaker 1:Be forgotten.
Speaker 3:Something terrible OK.
Speaker 2:Remember.
Speaker 1:I wish people could see your smile when you said that, I felt that evil in my soul.
Speaker 3:I know I was especially looking at you.
Speaker 1:Yeah. I'm like oh.
Speaker 3:I'm scared. Don't be scared. Would you rather travel the world for free for a year or have $50,000 to spend? However you please? Travel the world for free. Travel the world for free for a year. That seems priceless. Would you rather your wait? I can't read that correctly. Oh, this is 69. Sorry. Would you rather you're only be able to talk to your dog, or your dog to be able to talk to you only, and everyone thinks you're nuts.
Speaker 2:That one, my dog, talked to me yeah, same, yeah, I don't know if people think about me.
Speaker 3:Would you rather have? A mullet for a year, or reball the no way for six months. Mullet, mullet. That'd be fun. Listen to it. You're from Farnella, all right, bring the clippers out. The clippers almost complete. Would you rather go back to the past and meet your loved ones who passed away, or go to the future to meet your children or grandchildren to be?
Speaker 2:We also talked about this one, right? Yeah, yeah, it's very similar. Yeah, I think I said future.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I said past.
Speaker 3:I think I'm going to go with future. I think I answered future on the last one as well. Would you rather have Angelina Jolie's lips or Jennifer Aniston's hair? Jennifer Aniston's hair Same, I already have the lips. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Would you rather stay at the age you are physically forever or stay the way you are now financially forever? Age, age, age, yeah.
Speaker 2:I don't want to stay on like poor, for I'm just kidding, yeah.
Speaker 3:Let's not, let's not. Part of manifesting is not saying it's not.
Speaker 2:That's saying it's not. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 3:Would you rather be in a zombie apocalypse or a robot apocalypse?
Speaker 1:Zombie, zombie. Either one I would just give up.
Speaker 2:I don't have the energy to fight it, just let me go. I would save you.
Speaker 3:I would call it about in the country.
Speaker 1:Yeah, something can happen anywhere. Robots are really strong, yeah.
Speaker 3:Exactly.
Speaker 1:It's too much work, too much trauma.
Speaker 3:She already gave up. Yeah, just let me go.
Speaker 1:Just let me go, I just want to rest now. Don't let me turn into a zombie, though. Ok, we'll do.
Speaker 3:Would you rather be alone all of your life or surrounded by really annoying people?
Speaker 1:Oh, be alone all my life.
Speaker 3:Same. There was an emphasis on the really by the way zone. Would you rather give up your cell phone for a month or bathing for a month? Cell phone, cell phone. Would you rather spend a day cleaning your worst enemy's house or have your crush spend the day cleaning your house? Have my crush, clean my house, intrigued by my worst enemy, like to see what I can snoop around, yeah.
Speaker 2:Would you destroy anything?
Speaker 3:No, I wouldn't destroy it, but I would just snoop Because I feel like gaining knowledge about them is better to be able to do other things.
Speaker 2:But I think I'm going to go with my crush. Yeah, I'll go with my crush. Yeah, because same.
Speaker 3:You know, I'd like to see them around.
Speaker 1:Cleaning my house.
Speaker 3:Yeah, would you rather spend a year entirely alone? Wait, I already read this one. Well, actually, this one's different, I guess. Would you rather spend a year entirely alone or a year without a home? Alone, alone, yeah yeah, this one's gross. Would you rather buy all-used underwear or all-used toothbrushes? Ew.
Speaker 1:I know that's disgusting, but you're a gross. Can you wash the underwear?
Speaker 3:Yes, yeah, but it's still going to be used.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I would do underwear. Yeah, I'm not a toothbrush.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm still used underwear. Guys, would you rather have a photographic memory or an IQ of 200? Photographic memory.
Speaker 2:IQ of 200.
Speaker 3:IQ of 200. Would you rather go on a cruise with your boss or never go on vacation, ever again? I'll go on a cruise with my boss. Same. Would you rather forget your partner's birthday or your anniversary every year? That's me. Oh yeah, that's right, I would rather forget the anniversary.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think, if I had to choose, though, yeah.
Speaker 3:Would you rather have to wear stilettos to sleep or have to wear slippers everywhere you go? Slippers already do? I used to live in Moccasin. I love those things.
Speaker 1:Am I able to walk perfectly in stilettos, or do I walk like I walk with them now?
Speaker 3:I'm going to say perfectly.
Speaker 1:OK, then I'll keep the stilettos.
Speaker 3:Would you rather change the outcome of the last election or get to decide the outcome of the next election? Get to the side of the next. Would you rather lose the ability to read or lose the ability to speak? Speak, Speak. I still want to read. This was fun. Would you rather smooch Chris Pratt, Chris Pine, Chris Evans or Chris Hemsworth Hemsworth?
Speaker 2:Evans.
Speaker 3:Evans. 10 out of 10 Evans.
Speaker 1:That's Captain America, right.
Speaker 3:Yeah, he is.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he's handsome.
Speaker 3:He'll always be my Captain America. Who was yours?
Speaker 2:Hemsworth, hemsworth I think it's Evans, pratt Pine, and then house for three.
Speaker 3:Really, pratt is my last one. Yeah, yeah, it's too, weird. Would you rest? He's turned religious or something like that. And he wasn't. So it was weird. Would you rather be beautiful and stupid or unobtrusive, but genius, genius.
Speaker 1:Say it. Say it Genius, because she already is beautiful.
Speaker 3:Would you rather have seven fingers on each hand or seven toes on each foot? Seven toes, I think, fingers. I don't know why. It seems cool. You'd be able to grip on things better.
Speaker 1:I'm thinking of a basketball, you know right, right, I didn't like to do this. More fingers, yeah For me. You can make some really interesting money off of those seven. You got a point. You got a point.
Speaker 3:I might think about that later on. Would you rather work at the job you have now for a year at double your current rate of pay, or have one year off with what you are making now? One year off with what I'm making now. Yeah, do you want double your pay?
Speaker 2:Well, I guess one year off and then.
Speaker 3:I could travel. True. Would you rather be always stuck in traffic but find perfect parking spot, or never hit traffic but always stick forever to park?
Speaker 2:Find parking.
Speaker 3:Yeah perfect parking spot. Perfect parking spot. Would you rather have super sensitive taste buds or super sensitive hearing?
Speaker 2:I think hearing. Would you rather ask your ex or a total stranger?
Speaker 3:for a favor. A total stranger, my ex.
Speaker 1:Let's talk about that later, just kidding.
Speaker 3:But you did an answer. Oh, ex or a total stranger for a favor. A stranger, okay yeah. Would you rather only eat pizza for a year or not eat any pizza for five years? Only eat pizza for a year, even with my shoes only eating pizza yeah same.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, that would suck for you guys.
Speaker 1:Same Agreed, we're left as intolerant. Yeah, by the way, for everyone listening.
Speaker 3:This is why we're going to struggle with this. Would you rather never get another present in your life, but always pick the perfect present for everyone else? Or keep getting presents, but always stick with the perfect present for everyone else. Or keep getting presents, but giving terrible ones to everyone else? No, give good presents. Yeah, I'd rather do that as well. I think I'd rather do that now.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you're really good at it. Tell me nice things about me.
Speaker 3:Would you rather sleep in a dog house or let stray dogs sleep in your bed? Stray dogs sleep in my bed. As long as I'm not sleeping with them, but like I would let them sleep in my bed. I don't know, I don't know couch, but yeah, have my bed, why not? Would you rather be able to speak at any language? I'm sorry, not at any language. Any language? Or be able to communicate with animals? Speak any language? Yeah, It'd be pretty cool to speak to animals, though you can talk to orcas.
Speaker 1:What do you mean? Like if you could speak to animals, you could talk to orcas.
Speaker 3:I would and be like hey, let's hit up the spot next. Yeah.
Speaker 1:They give me like these guys.
Speaker 3:They need a little you know, let's go to this coast over her. Let's see, let's see. We're near the end of this class, do you, guys 98? Would you rather have all of your messages and photos leaked publicly or never use a cell phone ever again?
Speaker 2:Never use a cell phone again.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I don't want people to know. Yeah or see, would you rather run at 100 miles per hour or fly at 20 miles per hour? Fly, I'd like to fly. What did you say? Fly at 20. Yeah, and final question would you rather have Adele's voice or Normani's dance moves? Adele's voice, same.
Speaker 1:I mean Normani's pretty good dance moves but Adele's great, yes, yes.
Speaker 2:Great I know, I know. Now you guys know a little bit more about it, I know. Thank you for the bonus. Thank you for your fun. Not so fun bonus, not a bonus. Episode Part two.
Speaker 3:Let us know if any of these are very intriguing to you and if you'd like to answer any of them.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, if you chose answer similar to ours or not?
Speaker 1:Yeah, exactly, would you have Adele's voice? Yes, given the opportunity.
Speaker 2:Let us know yeah, exactly, or if we're crazy tell us which of the Chris is your favorite.
Speaker 3:Which of the Chris is your favorite? Yeah, Mm-hmm. Let's all think about Chris Adams Evans is going to be the number one. He has to be yeah.
Speaker 1:He's my number two, okay.
Speaker 3:Okay, yeah. Anyways, I hope you guys have a good night. Thank you for listening. See you later.
Speaker 2:Love you. Thank you for listening to Latina State of Mind produced by us, your awesome hosts, diana, nia and Nancy. Special shout out to Jerome, our editor. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram at LSOM underscore podcast, and on Facebook at Latina State of Mind. Until next time.